
sábado, 3 de abril de 2010

Mas os coelhos não põem ovos...!?

Do Blogue Terella, retirei estas informações que nos permitem compreender a relação entre a Páscoa, os coelhos e os ovos.
Está tudo ligado pela mão de Ostara (ou Ostera), uma deusa retratada aqui abaixo, símbolo da aurora e da primavera, que um dia, cheia de culpa e compaixão concedeu à lebre a capacidade de pôr ovos...
Ora vejam:

"The Easter Bunny folklore:
Feeling guilty about arriving late one spring, the Goddess Ostara saved the life of a poor bird whose wings had been frozen by the snow. She made him her pet and filled with compassion for him since he could no longer fly, she turned him into a snow hare and gave him the gift of being able to run with incredible speed so he could protect himself from hunters. In remembrance of his earlier form as a bird, she also gave him the ability to lay eggs – in all the colours of the rainbow – but only on one day out of each year. The eggs should be given to the children attending the Ostara festivals that were held each spring. (...)
The Hare and the Rabbit were the most fertile animals known and they served as symbols of the new life during the spring season."

Thank you, Renny!

4 comentários:

  1. Thanks for plugging me - I'm glad you liked the story :-)

  2. A Páscoa vem trazendo uma mensagem de paz, esperança e amor. Feliz Páscoa!


  3. Hello Renny
    This a delicious story!
    Happy Easter!

  4. Ciao Domenico
    Felice Pasqua, tanti auguri!
