
terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010

A rapariga do rio Pó fez 76 anos

Sophia Loren, aliás Sofia Villani Scicolone, nasceu a 20 de Setembro de 1934, filha de Romilda Villani e Riccardo Scicolone. A sua mãe era professora de piano e aspirante a actriz
Sophia Loren, que recentemente esteve em Portugal, acaba de fazer 76 anos.
Foi a primeira actriz a receber um Oscar para melhor papel feminino num filme estrangeiro. Conta com cerca de 50 prémios ao longo da sua carreira de 60 anos de cinema.
Habituei-me muito cedo a admirar Sophia como um ícone de beleza e sensualidade no grande écran, desde o tempo em que ela era para mim apenas "A rapariga do rio Pó". Parabéns, Sophia!

20 comentários:

  1. Thanks for coming to my blog while I was away. After returning from Oslo we went to Nashville, Tennessee where daughter no. 2 and family just moved, then after that we went to South Georgia and just came back. I am behind in reading all my friends’ blogs and am trying hard to catch up. I am reading yours and translating via Google Translate so that I can understand them. I see that you have cuts in education in Portugal just like here, and it is such a shame – education is the future of a country. I have seen clips of Leonard Cohen in other blogs now and like his style – I had not heard about this Canadian singer before.
    I have been a fan of Agatha Christie for many years and have dozens of her books. I saw “The Mouse Trap” twice in London, in the 70s and 80s – I need to go and see it again. I read her biography – don’t think she was too happy in marriage. I enjoyed the OsloBG a lot but I wish we had been there longer – to get better acquainted and see more sights, but we had a great time. I shall have posts on it but they will be mixed with other posts. I enjoyed reading your blog. It is hard to believe that Sophia Loren is 76 years old – impossible!

  2. Hello dear!
    Thanks for reading my Blog and for your comment. We'll keep in touch.

  3. Hello,
    I remember Sophia Loren very well. I simply had to see all the movies in where she acted - but that's along time ago. For the past 20-years or so, most movies in Cimemas here in Norway are of US origine. I think that's a pity...

    We have returned from our Summer House and is back in Winter Home in Oslo. It's chilly.
    Next week we will go and visit Claudie and Pierre. My wife Anna and Claudie wanted to meet, because Anna did work during the OsloBG.

    hugs to both of you

  4. Hello dear Tor

    I wish you both a good trip to France and a very nice time together with Claudie & Pierre.

    Kisses and hugs.
